Foreign investors and labor outsourcing activities in Vietnam
Labor outsourcing is becoming a reliable method for foreign companies to take advantage of the young and valuable labor force in Vietnam. By collaborating with local companies, foreign investors can take advantage of the talents and skills of Vietnamese employees in a variety of business sectors, from manufacturing and services to information technology. Besides, one of the important advantages of labor outsourcing activities in Vietnam is the diversity of labor sources.
However, labor outsourcing also imposes some challenges for investors who need to establish a labor supply enterprise in Vietnam. The following article will give investors an overview of the conditions and challenges that they face when providing labor outsourcing services in Vietnam.
1. Labor outsourcing services by Vietnamese law
Clause 1, Article 52 of the Labor Code 2019, labor outsourcing is when an employee enters into a labor contract with an employer who is a labor outsourcing enterprise, after which the employee is transferred to work and is managed by another employer while still maintaining an employment relationship with the employer who has entered into a labor contract.
Accordingly, a labor outsourcing enterprise is an enterprise established by the Enterprises Law 2020 that is granted a license for labor outsourcing operations, recruits, and enters into labor contracts with employees, then transfers the employees to work under the management of another employer while still maintaining the labor relationship with the enterprise that has entered into a labor contract.
In the case that labor outsourcing activities are being performed through e-commerce websites, foreign investors need to meet additional conditions related to e-commerce services.
2. What conditions do the WTO commitments and Vietnamese laws stipulate for labor outsourcing services?
According to the WTO Commitments, the labor outsourcing service has not been committed by Vietnam to open the market to foreign investors. However, under Vietnamese law, specifically as listed in Appendix I to Decree 31/2021/ND-CP, the labor outsourcing service is not subject to market access restrictions for foreign investors. Accordingly, if the laws and resolutions of the National Assembly, ordinances and resolutions of the National Assembly Standing Committee, and decrees of the Government do not stipulate provisions for market access restrictions, foreign investors are entitled to access to the market as regulated for domestic investors.
Currently, the Labor Code 2019 and Decree 145/2020/ND-CP have regulations on conditions for conducting labor outsourcing services. At the same time, many foreign investors are allowed to do business in this service in Vietnam, including:
- Adecco Vietnam
- ManpowerGroup Vietnam
- HR2B
3. Providing labor outsourcing services through e-commerce websites
This is probably an issue that many investors are interested in since, with the trend of digital technology, enterprises want to integrate all the needs of clients and suppliers right on a digital platform. However, depending on the scope of activities on the e-commerce website, enterprises will need additional sub-licenses, namely a Trading License issued by the Department of Industry and Trade. This license will arise in case where there is a basis to determine that the enterprise is providing e-commerce services.
E-commerce service means a commercial activity whereby an e-commerce service provider sets up an e-commerce website to provide an environment for other traders, organizations, and individuals to conduct promotional activities, sell goods, or provide services. Therefore, in the case of an enterprise providing labor outsourcing services on a digital platform in which the enterprise is the connecting party between employers and employees, and at the same time provides a digital environment for the parties’ interaction, information searching, and service connection, in some cases, the competent authority will rely on the scope of operation of the website to require enterprises to have a Trading license.
In case where the enterprise traditionally performs labor outsourcing activities, and the enterprise’s website is only for introducing the services, the conditions for a trading license are not required.
In conclusion, labor outsourcing activities in Vietnam have become an attractive and potential method for foreign investors. However, to fully take advantage of the potential of this activity, close cooperation between foreign investors and the Vietnamese Government is essential. Vietnam needs to have clear policies and regulations to ensure the rights of employees, and create favorable conditions for foreign enterprises to operate and develop in a stable and sustainable business environment.
Time of writing: 20/06/2023
The article contains general information which is of reference value, in case you want to receive legal opinions on issues you need clarification on, please get in touch with our Lawyer at

Why choose CDLAF’s service?
- We provide effective and comprehensive legal solutions that help you save money and maintain compliance in your business;
- We continue to monitor your legal matters even after the service is completed and update you when there are any changes in the Vietnamese legal system;
- Our system of forms and processes related to labor and personnel is continuously built and updated and will be provided as soon as the customer requests it;
- As a Vietnamese law firm, we have a thorough understanding of Vietnam’s legal regulations, and grasp the psychology of employees, employers, and working methods at competent authorities;
- CDLAF’s team of lawyers has many years of experience in the field of labor and enterprises, as well as human resources and financial advisory.
- Strict information security procedures throughout the service performance and even after the service is completed.
You can refer for more information:
- Establishment of Enterprise in Vietnam, What Foreign Investors Need to Consider (Part 1)
- Establishment of Enterprise in Vietnam, What Foreign Investors Need to Consider (Part 2)
- Procedure for Foreign Investor to contribute capital, purchase shares in the enterprise in Vietnam.
- The enterprise with opening and using direct investment capital account
- Avoiding the risks when leasing the office in Vietnam – some recommendations
- Foreign Investors provide Employment Services in Vietnam
- Franchise in Vietnam (Part 1)
- Franchise in Vietnam (Part 2)
- Foreign investor doing hotel business in Vietnam
- Regulations on capital contribution for Shareholder and Member
- Business conditions for foreign investor in the education service in Vietnam (Part 1)
- Business conditions for foreign investor in the education service in Vietnam (Part 2)
- Business Conditions for advertising services for foreign investor in Vietnam
- Methods for enterprise to effectively control and debt management
- Reduction of Principal for Customers
- Establishment of a Branch of Foreign Trader in Vietnam