Update day: July 23 , 2024

Welcoming Students from the Open University of Ho Chi Minh City to Visit CDLAF Office

On July 13th and 14th, 2024, students from the Open University of Ho Chi Minh City had the opportunity to visit the office of CDLAF Law Firm.

During the visit, the students met and conversed with CDLAF’s lawyers, legal experts, and our staff. They shared insights about their daily work, the challenges, and opportunities in the legal field, as well as the skills and knowledge required to practice law effectively in reality.


CDLAF’s representatives introduced the firm’s organizational structure, working processes, and the areas in which the company operates. Other activities related to CDLAF’s work environment, training programs, employee care, community contributions, and international exchanges were also presented to the students during this visit.


It is hoped that these experiences will provide the students with a direct understanding of the operations of a law firm, as well as inspire them to further their passion for law and guide their future career paths.