Tax Consultancy and Accounting services for enterprises

Update day: October 7 , 2023

Tax Consultancy and Accounting services for enterprises

Fully and punctually fulfilling tax obligations, and setting up and recording accounting books in accordance with regulations is one of the especially important conditions for foreign enterprises to operate stably and effectively in Vietnam, and for investors to remit profits abroad. With the advantages of a law firm in Vietnam and a team of Lawyers, Consultants, and specialists in finance, tax, and accounting and many years of experience working with tax authorities, we will help you comply with tax and accounting regulations in Vietnam. In addition, our personnel will provide you with legal solutions to harmonize tax regulations with your business operations.

Procedures for registration of establishment of a foreign-invested enterprise in Vietnam

Process Detailled description
 Accounting and accounting books  

We consult and help you to meet the requirements set by the Vietnamese Laws for foreign enterprises.

We review the legitimacy of invoices, and documents, retain and track them; Reconcile collection and payment orders through bank account statements; Set up monthly internal reports, and profit and loss statements, record accounting books, work with auditors at the request of customers and other work related to accounting operations.

Tax compliance  

We help you properly and fully fulfill the obligations of VAT reporting, corporate income tax, personal income tax for employees, foreign contractor tax for partners and customers, and other tax obligations arising in your business operations.

We guide you to receive tax incentives (if any), determine deductions when calculating personal income tax, expenses deductible when calculating corporate income tax, apply double taxation avoidance agreements, etc.

Regular tax consulting   

We provide you with legal opinions, and consultation letters to solve tax issues that you and your enterprise are having. We not only provide legal opinions but also provide solutions for tax issues arising in all fields, as follows: import and export, customs, purchase and sale, service provision, investment, labor, capital transfer, profit transfer, etc.



On time

All that we do will be planned specifically in terms of time and content. You can control what we do, and the time to completion, and in all cases, we help you maintain the enterprise’s compliance with the deadlines with competent authorities and employees.


We commit to the accuracy of the contents of consultation, established documents, and services we provide to customers. We aim to provide you with a safe and effective legal solution for your business operations.


We establish a confidentiality commitment with you, so information about the enterprise, human resources, finance, etc., and other contents related to enterprises and investors will only be disclosed with your consent or in accordance with the laws of Vietnam.



CDLAF assigns designated personnel responsible for ensuring information security, ensuring that only assigned individuals have the right to access information and handle client communication.

Collect information and prepare the service contents

Assigned personnel are responsible for collecting clients information, reviewing regulations and preparing service content.

Control the quality

The Board of Lawyers and Counsels reviews the service content prepared by the assigned personnel before it is sent to clients for their review.

Clients’ approval

Clients review and approve the service content prepared by CDLAF.  When requested, meetings are held to explain the prepared content.


Personnel responsible for service completion directly implement it at the competent authority (if required). They also monitor the progress, report the results, and hand them over to clients.

After-service support

Guide clients to perform necessary tasks related to the delivered results and provide updates on changes in legal regulations.


  • We provide you with effective and comprehensive legal solutions, help you save your money, maintain compliance in the enterprise, and simplify all legal issues when doing business in Vietnam;
  • As a law firm established in Vietnam, we have close relationships and knowledge of working methods, and policies of competent authorities, which facilitates you when operating in Vietnam;
  • CDLAF Lawyers have held many important positions in law firms, banks, financial enterprises, foreign enterprises. Therefore, our lawyers provide students with the legal regulations as well as the actual solutions and opinions of competent authorities, see more about human resources.
  • The system of forms about enterprise, labor, tax, etc. available and constantly updated will be provided as soon as customers request.

Contact Us

Are you confused? If you want to discuss your problem more specifically, let us help you, please fill in the information in the table below and send it to us. A free 45-minute consultation email or meeting will be arranged to help you better understand your problem solving problem.

    FAQ QUESTIONS: Tax Consultancy and Accounting services for enterprises

    Are accounting books required to be made in Vietnamese? Is it allowed to be made in another language?
    What are the basic tax obligations of an enterprise?
    What are Corporate income tax incentives?
    Are foreign enterprises required to have a chief accountant immediately after establishing the enterprise?
    When is the deadline for submitting tax declaration dossiers?

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