Certificate of food safety conditions

Update day: October 7 , 2023

Certificate of food safety conditions

Performing procedures to apply for a Certificate of Food Safety is a mandatory condition that enterprises providing food services, restaurants, and food processing…shall comply with. This is a legal basis for enterprises to conduct business operations, avoiding the case of being sanctioned for violations, recalling goods, suspending or being required to terminate business operations.

Enterprises operating in the field of food and beverage will need to have a Certificate of food safety, except in the following cases:

  • Small initial production;
  • Food production and trading without a fixed location;
  • Small preliminary processing;
  • Retail food business
  • Trading in pre-packaged foods;
  • Producing and trading in applicators and materials for packaging and storing food;
  • Restaurants in hotels;
  • The collective kitchen does not have a registered food business;
  • Street food business;
  • The facility has been granted one of the following Certificates: Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP), Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP), Food Safety Management System ISO 22000, International Food Standard (IFS), Global Food Safety Standards (BRC), Food Safety System Certification (FSSC 22000) or valid equivalent.

Procedure to register for a Certificate of Food Hygiene and Safety

Process Detailled description
Step 1 Preparation

Enterprises need to evaluate the scale of operations to prepare information about technical facilities and personnel that meet corresponding standards;

Develop processes for processing, preserving, and treating waste and water sources to ensure they meet the requirements at the inspection team’s facility inspection.

Draft documents to submit to the licensing authority.

Step 2 Submit and handle documents

Submit a complete dossier to the licensing authority. Depending on the scale and field, the licensing authority will also be different.

The licensing authority will receive and review the application;

If the dossier is valid and complete, the licensing authority will work with relevant local authorities to conduct a direct inspection of the production and business facility to ensure the actual facility and operating procedures in food safety and hygiene factors. Please note that manufacturing facilities are not allowed to conduct business activities until certification has been completed.

Step 3 Get results

In case the actual inspection results meet the food hygiene and safety conditions, the licensing agency will issue a Certificate of Food Safety.

In case of failure, the licensing authority will notify. In this case, the enterprise will correct the unsatisfactory content and resubmit.


To apply for a Certificate of Food Safety, enterprises will need to prepare the following documents:

  • Application for issuance of Certificate of food safety;
  • Copies of documents related to the legal status of the enterprise (Enterprise registration certificate, Investment registration certificate…)
  • Explanation of facilities, equipment, and tools to ensure food hygiene and safety conditions according to regulations of competent state management agencies;
  • Certificate of good health of the facility owner and person directly producing and trading food issued by a district-level medical facility or higher;
  • Certificate of training in food safety and hygiene of the facility owner and of the person directly producing and trading food according to the regulations of the Minister of Industry Management;
  • Written commitment to ensure food safety and hygiene
  • Documents proving the origin of raw materials and water source testing, and several other documents depending on each specific case.


On time

All that we do will be planned specifically in terms of time and content. You can control what we do, and the time to completion, and in all cases, we help you maintain the enterprise’s compliance with the deadlines with competent authorities and employees.


We commit to the accuracy of the contents of consultation, established documents, and services we provide to customers. We aim to provide you with a safe and effective legal solution for your business operations.


We establish a confidentiality commitment with you, so information about the enterprise, human resources, finance, etc., and other contents related to enterprises and investors will only be disclosed with your consent or in accordance with the laws of Vietnam.



CDLAF assigns designated personnel responsible for ensuring information security, ensuring that only assigned individuals have the right to access information and handle client communication.

Collect information and prepare the service contents

Assigned personnel are responsible for collecting clients information, reviewing regulations and preparing service content.

Control the quality

The Board of Lawyers and Counsels reviews the service content prepared by the assigned personnel before it is sent to clients for their review.

Clients’ approval

Clients review and approve the service content prepared by CDLAF.  When requested, meetings are held to explain the prepared content.


Personnel responsible for service completion directly implement it at the competent authority (if required). They also monitor the progress, report the results, and hand them over to clients.

After-service support

Guide clients to perform necessary tasks related to the delivered results and provide updates on changes in legal regulations.


  • We provide you with effective and comprehensive legal solutions, help you save your money, maintain compliance in the enterprise, and simplify all legal issues when doing business in Vietnam;
  • As a law firm established in Vietnam, we have close relationships and knowledge of working methods, and policies of competent authorities, which facilitates you when operating in Vietnam;
  • CDLAF Lawyers have held many important positions in law firms, banks, financial enterprises, foreign enterprises. Therefore, our lawyers provide students with the legal regulations as well as the actual solutions and opinions of competent authorities, see more about human resources.
  • The system of forms about enterprise, labor, tax, etc. available and constantly updated will be provided as soon as customers request.

Contact Us

Are you confused? If you want to discuss your problem more specifically, let us help you, please fill in the information in the table below and send it to us. A free 45-minute consultation email or meeting will be arranged to help you better understand your problem solving problem.

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