E-commerce app registration notification (apps)

Update day: June 12 , 2024

E-commerce app registration notification (apps)

Traders, organizations, or individuals owning a mobile e-commerce app with online sales and ordering functionality must notify the Ministry of Industry and Trade.

In the case of using a sales app to trade goods and services on the list of conditional goods and services, enterprises must fully comply with legal regulations on the business conditions of those goods and services. They must also publish on the digital app, the date of issue, and place of issue of the certificate of eligibility for business in cases where the law requires a certificate of eligibility for business.

Traders must develop measures to protect consumer rights in e-commerce activities on mobile apps and establish contracts and online payment mechanisms.


Traders, organizations, and individuals can notify the Ministry of Industry and Trade about the establishment of a mobile e-commerce sales app through the e-commerce management portal at http://online.gov.vn/.

Process Detailled description
Step 1  

Register a system login account

  • Enterprise name;
  • Enterprise tax code;
  • Business sectors;
  • Head office address;
  • Contact information (phone number, email)
Step 2  

Account confirmation

Within 3 working days, Enterprise will receive a result from the Ministry of Industry and Trade via the registered email address with one of the following contents:

  • If the account registration information is complete, the enterprise will be granted a system login account and proceed to Step 3;
  • If the account registration is rejected or requires additional information, the enterprise must re-register or provide additional information as requested.
Step 3  

Declare and scan the notification dossier for the sales app

After being granted a system login account, enterprises, organizations, and individuals log in, select the “Notify e-commerce website for sales” function, and declare information according to the form.

The app notification information is as follows:

  • App name
  • Storage location or app download location
  • Types of goods and services introduced on the app;
  • Name of the enterprise owning the app;
  • Enterprise head office address;
  • Tax code;
  • Name, title, ID number, phone number, and email address of the enterprise representative, the person responsible for the sales app.
Step 4  

The Ministry of Industry and Trade responds to the procedure

Within 3 working days, the enterprise will receive a response from the Ministry of Industry and Trade via the registered email address with one of the following contents:

  • Confirm that the declared information is complete and valid;
  • Inform that the declared information is incomplete or invalid. In that case, traders, organizations, and individuals must return to Step 3 to re-declare or supplement the information as requested.

Traders, organizations, and individuals are responsible for monitoring the status of application processing via email or the system access account that has been granted to update and correct information as requested.

Within 10 working days from the date of receiving a request to supplement the information in Step 4 as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article, if traders, organizations, and individuals do not respond, the notification dossier will be terminated and the notification dossier must be submitted again from Step 3.



Enterprise information: Copy of the Enterprise Registration Certificate (Enterprise name, tax code, address of head office, legal representative, phone number, email, etc.)

App information: App name, Storage location or app download location, Types of goods and services introduced on the app.


On time

All that we do will be planned specifically in terms of time and content. You can control what we do, and the time to completion, and in all cases, we help you maintain the enterprise’s compliance with the deadlines with competent authorities and employees.


We commit to the accuracy of the contents of consultation, established documents, and services we provide to customers. We aim to provide you with a safe and effective legal solution for your business operations.


We establish a confidentiality commitment with you, so information about the enterprise, human resources, finance, etc., and other contents related to enterprises and investors will only be disclosed with your consent or in accordance with the laws of Vietnam.



CDLAF assigns designated personnel responsible for ensuring information security, ensuring that only assigned individuals have the right to access information and handle client communication.

Collect information and prepare the service contents

Assigned personnel are responsible for collecting clients information, reviewing regulations and preparing service content.

Control the quality

The Board of Lawyers and Counsels reviews the service content prepared by the assigned personnel before it is sent to clients for their review.

Clients’ approval

Clients review and approve the service content prepared by CDLAF.  When requested, meetings are held to explain the prepared content.


Personnel responsible for service completion directly implement it at the competent authority (if required). They also monitor the progress, report the results, and hand them over to clients.

After-service support

Guide clients to perform necessary tasks related to the delivered results and provide updates on changes in legal regulations.


  • We provide you with effective and comprehensive legal solutions, help you save your money, maintain compliance in the enterprise, and simplify all legal issues when doing business in Vietnam;
  • As a law firm established in Vietnam, we have close relationships and knowledge of working methods, and policies of competent authorities, which facilitates you when operating in Vietnam;
  • CDLAF Lawyers have held many important positions in law firms, banks, financial enterprises, foreign enterprises. Therefore, our lawyers provide students with the legal regulations as well as the actual solutions and opinions of competent authorities, see more about human resources.
  • The system of forms about enterprise, labor, tax, etc. available and constantly updated will be provided as soon as customers request.

Contact Us

Are you confused? If you want to discuss your problem more specifically, let us help you, please fill in the information in the table below and send it to us. A free 45-minute consultation email or meeting will be arranged to help you better understand your problem solving problem.

    FAQ QUESTIONS: E-commerce app registration notification (apps)

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    In which cases will the Work Permit be revoked?
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