
Enterprise is the preferred form chosen by Vietnamese and foreign investors to carry out business activities in Vietnam; because of the unique advantages this form offers. Furthermore, based on the business strategy, the Investor may consider selecting one of the alternative forms rather than establishing a new enterprise, such as: Branches, Representative Offices, or receiving the transfer of contributed capital, purchasing shares or charter capital to participate in the management of the Enterprise. Investors decide based on the predicted business strategy, investment capital level, and business sector to identify conditions that the legislation requires on each operating model.

At CDLAF, we help our clients to:

  • Advise and assist clients in making decisions on business sectors, locations, and operating models that are suitable for the business plan;
  • Evaluate the legal status of the head office location, including the right to do business, tax incentives, and the right to transfer or lease the location of the management party.
  • Prepare documents and represent clients at authorized agencies to perform procedures;
  • Assist clients with capital contributions, profit transfers, and revenue recognition methods in line with their sector and tax regulations.
  • Provide clients with the compliance management process of the business after that is established;
  • Guide clients to perform necessary tasks after completing the change procedures at competent state authority in order to maintain compliance such as: notifying tax authorities, banks, periodically reporting obligations, etc.

Services about Enterprise CDLAF provided