E-commerce and Technology

Welcome to our legal services for E-commerce and Technology. In today’s increasingly digital world, e-commerce has become an irreversible trend, opening up great opportunities while also presenting new legal challenges. As the global e-commerce market undergoes rapid and widespread expansion, ensuring legal compliance and protecting rights in this field has become more important than ever.

We understand that every technology and e-commerce business faces a wide range of complex legal issues. Our team of experienced and equipped with extensive expertise is committed to providing you with optimal legal solutions.

At CDLAF, we assist our Clients with the following:

  • Advising and drafting electronic contracts, terms of use, and privacy policies to ensure compliance with current legal regulations;
  • Resolving commercial and technology disputes, from negotiation and mediation to litigation;
  • Ensuring compliance with consumer protection, data privacy, and intellectual property laws in the digital environment;
  • Advising on advertising, marketing, and online business activities;
  • Registering and protecting of trademarks, copyrights, and other intellectual property in the technology and e-commerce sectors;
  • Preparation of data transfer impact assessments for personal data transferred overseas;
  • Obtaining licenses for cyber information security products and services;
  • Registering and setting up e-commerce websites and applications;
  • Notifying the establishment of e-commerce websites for sales;
  • Assessing the impact of personal data processing;
  • Registering e-commerce trading platforms;
  • Implementing risk management for Customers through providing Legal Retainer services;
  • And other services related to e-commerce and technology.

With our dedication to professionalism and excellence, we are committed to providing clients with effective and sustainable legal solutions that empower them to thrive and compete in the global e-commerce and technology landscape.

Services about E-commerce and Technology CDLAF provided