Family Lawyer

We are not only a legal shelter for foreign enterprises and investors but also aim to be a strong and reliable contact for clients in relation to personal and family legal issues. Therefore, at CDLAF, we work together with clients to resolve legal issues such as: cross-border marriages, divorce and asset division, annulment, birth registration, adoption, inheritance, and legal issues related to children, etc.

At CDLAF, we help clients to:

  • Analyze and construct solutions for each case. Factors such as: the effectiveness of each solution, feasibility, implementation time, potential challenges, etc. will be thoroughly analyzed by CDLAF so that clients can have a better understanding of the issues they face and choose the most suitable solution.
  • Work with clients to gather and collect evidence to prove their legal rights.
  • Represent clients working with the Notary Public, Government Agencies, Tax Departments, Foreign Affairs, and related third parties.
  • Guide clients in carrying out necessary tasks after they have reached a mutual agreement with related parties or after a court ruling has been made.

Services about Family Lawyer CDLAF provided