Legal Handbook for Enterprises

Update day: December 21 , 2023

Legal Handbook for Enterprises

Legal Handbook for Enterprises

Update day: December 21 , 2023
Any enterprises, when established, operated, and managed, shall be based on the regulations of law. Besides, experience and skills in applying the law are essential. With many years of experience in the legal field, CDLAF Lawyers have launched the LEGAL HANDBOOK FOR ENTERPRISES. CDLAF hopes this handbook will support basic and most necessary issues for your enterprise to manage human resources effectively - control risks from contracts and debt settlement.
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I. Employees and effective management tools:

  1. Labor contract
  2. Internal labor regulations
  3. Set of documents related to labor discipline
  4. Set of documents related to the termination of a labor contract
  5. Collective labor agreement

II. Control risks from contracts with clients

  1. Description of goods and services
  2. Implementation progress
  3. Unilateral termination of the Contract
  4. Penalties for violations – Compensation for damages – Interest on late payment

III. Controlling and settling debt effectively

  1. Debt tracking
  2. Choosing a method of debt settlement: Arbitration or Court


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