Registering marriage involving foreign elements

Update day: January 19 , 2024

Registering marriage involving foreign elements

Previously, the competent agency to register marriages involving foreign elements was the Department of Justice of the province or city where the Vietnamese party resides. Since 2016, this authority has belonged to the People’s Committee of Districts.

Conditions of marriage involving foreign elements

For marriage between Vietnamese citizens and foreigners, each party must comply with their country’s law on the conditions of marriage. In case the marriage is conducted at the competent agency of Vietnam, foreigners must also meet the conditions of marriage according to Vietnamese law.

For marriage between foreigners permanently residing in Vietnam at the competent agency of Vietnam, they must comply with the conditions of marriage in accordance with current Vietnamese law.

Basic requirements: 

  • Men are 20 years old or older, women are 18 years old or older;
  • Marriage is decided voluntarily by men and women;
  • The parties do not lose their civil act capacity;
  • Vietnamese citizens residing abroad must have residence permit documents issued by foreign competent authorities.
  • Marriage does not fall into one of the cases where marriage is prohibited.

Procedures for registering marriage with foreigners

Process Detailled description
Step 1 Submission

Method of submission in person:

The person requesting marriage registration submits the marriage registration application at the One-stop Department/Public Administration Center of the competent People’s Committee of districts.

Pay the fee if you are required to pay a marriage registration fee.

Method of online submission

The person requesting marriage registration accesses the National Public Service Portal or the Provincial Public Service Portal, and provides information according to the prescribed form;

Pay the fee in accordance with the law.

Step 2 Accepting applications

The officer receiving applications at the One-Stop Department is responsible for checking the accuracy, completeness, consistency, and validity of the application and transferring the application to the civil status officer for processing.

In case the dossier is not complete and valid, the requester will be notified to supplement and complete the application;

In case the person requesting marriage registration fails to supplement and complete the application, the officer reports to the Head of the One-Stop Department with a notice of refusal to process the marriage registration request.

Step 3 Appraisal of the content of trademark registration application

Normally, the content appraisal time is 09-12 months. However in fact this time will be longer.

Step 4 Examining and verifying application

In case there is a complaint or denunciation that the marriage does not meet the conditions of marriage according to the provisions of the Law on Marriage and Family or there are issues that need to be clarified about the identity of the male and female parties or the documents in the application, civil status officers report to the Head of the Justice Department to coordinate with relevant agencies for verification and clarification. During the process of examining and verifying the application, if necessary, work directly with the parties to clarify their identities, willingness to marry, and purpose of marriage.

Step 5 Pay fees

In case there is a notice of protection certificate insurance, the enterprise shall pay the fee in full and on time to receive the protection certificate; or have a written response to the National Office of Intellectual Property’s notice of refusal to issue a protection certificate if the enterprise is refused.


  • Certificate from a competent Vietnamese or foreign medical organization certifying that the marriage parties do not suffer from mental illness or other diseases that prevent them from being able to perceive and control their behavior.
  • Documents proving the foreigner’s marital status issued by a competent authority of the country of which he or she is a citizen are still valid, confirming that he or she is currently unmarried; In case the foreign country does not issue confirmation of marital status, it will be replaced by documents issued by a foreign competent authority certifying that the person is eligible for marriage according to the law of that country.
  • Foreigners and Vietnamese citizens residing abroad must submit a copy of their passport/valid passport replacement document.
  • Certificate of marital status of Vietnamese citizens residing in the country. In case there is already marital status information in the Electronic civil status database or National population database, there is no need to present (in person form) or upload (in online form).
  • In addition, depending on each case, the male and female parties must submit other documents such as Divorce judgment/decision, Certificate of workplace…


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    FAQ QUESTIONS: Registering marriage involving foreign elements

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